Saturday, August 28, 2010

Okay With It

So the Summer is almost over and I feel change in the air again. I went into this Summer expecting so much change and wonderful, exciting things but I think I've sort of realised that maybe my change, was NOT changing. I needed to have some sort of consistency, something to remind myself of the path that I'm trying to be on. It's so incredibly cliche to say "I have a path that I'm supposed to take, but I just don't where it's going to take me" and all that other bullshit nonsense. But by nothing life-altering happening to me this Summer, I had to look within and sort of just (as awful as it might sound) deal with myself. Handle, me. And I'm coming out of this Summer with fresh and exciting eyes, ready for whatever is next. I may not have found inner peace (if there is such a thing) and I may not have been swept off my feet but I did enjoy happy moments when they came to me, cried when I needed to, laughed when I wanted to, and daydreamed because I could. So that will have to be enough for me right now, and I'm totally okay with it. I don't know what's next, if it's change or things staying the same--leading into an easy Fall or an exciting Winter. Who knows. I don't feel ready, because I don't think I have to be ready. I'm just being.

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